Summer Camp

Our Summer Camp is Unforgettable

Outdoor Kids Kenya is offering an Out-of-School Time Program (OST). This program paves the Way for Children to Find Passion, Purpose, & Voice. The program is designed for a time that your child is away from their normal school/ home activities.

Why Summer Camp

Summer camp is a special type of community where kids come together to have fun.
Within the camp setting, children develop a sense of independence as they try new adventures away from home. Summer camps are known for providing a safe environment where children gain self-confidence as they learn new skills.
Outdoor Kids Summer Camp encourages achievement, builds the self-esteem, confidence, courage and many more needed skills to become leaders. It also promotes healthy lifestyles, fitness and activity.

Book Your Child a Summer Camp Today

Make your child’s next school holiday a lifetime experience. Book them a summer camp to hear and narrate stories around a campfire as they mingle with other young campers. Allow them the independence to learn social skills with other young adventurers, and Outdoor Kids Kenya will make that happen

Cost Includes and Excludes

Cost include;
Full board accommodation in tents (Lunch, breakfast and dinner)
Activities and service fees as explained in the itinerary above
Tents based on per person sharing

Cost Excludes;
Sleeping bags or Duvet
Single tent supplement Shs6,000
Anything else not mentioned above

Summer Camp


Day 1: Orientation and Exploration

10: 00am: Leave Nairobi to Gatamaiyu camp and arrive in the afternoon in good time for lunch. Introductions and housekeeping brief will be done. After lunch, you will be engaged in treasure hunt activity to help you understand your new environment. Enjoy tales of Kereita during the bonfire in the evening after dinner.

Day 2: Adventure and Team Building

8:00am: After breakfast you start your day with a hike into the dense forest to a waterfall and back. This hike will take approximate 5-6hrs and you will be back to the camp in the afternoon for lunch. After lunch, we will have teams participating in soccer activities among other fun games as guided by our instructors. Bonfire and evening stories after dinner.

Day 3: Community Engagement and Environmental Stewardship

8:00am: After breakfast we all leave the camp and head out for clean-up activity in Gatamaiyu shopping center. After the clean-up we will have a tree planting session in the forest. We will then head back to the camp for lunch and afternoon sessions. After the games, all participants will work as a team and prepare dinner.

Day 4: Life Coaching and Skills Development

After breakfast, the teens will break into groups for life coaching sessions, hacks and basic first aid skills.

Day 5: Agricultural Experience and Community Interaction

After breakfast, the team will have farm visits where they will engage in tea picking, and cow milking lessons. After lunch, they will engage in football match with the local community youth group.

Day 6: Wilderness Exploration and Team Activities

After breakfast, we will engage in a hike to the forest, enroute there will be mud fun obstacle and lessons in the wild. After the hike, lunch will be served. In the afternoon, more fun games and firewood collection.

Day 7: Environmental Education and Community Outreach

After breakfast, head out to Kereita forest station to learn on tree nursery establishment and management. Visit a health center and a community resource center and learn on issues on forest conservation.

Day 8: Water Conservation and Sustainability

After breakfast, visit a water treatment site and get learn on how water is extracted from the rivers, treatment and supplied to the consumers.

Day 9: Skill-Building and Leisure

After breakfast, sped the whole day at the camp, you will be divided into groups for life skills, knot making among others.

Day 10: Reflection and Farewell

8:00am: After breakfast we will have recap sessions from the patrons, fun and games and thereafter lunch will be served. After lunch the camp will break and start your journey back to Nairobi.

Our Assurance

Our summer camp is all about immersing kids in the beauty of nature and teaching them valuable outdoor skills while having fun. We design our tours with kids in mind and tailor every adventure to keep them engaged and excited throughout.

Educational Experiences

Our summer camp is an opportunity to unplug from screens and connect with the natural world. It’s a refreshing break from the city and classrooms. We make learning fun. Our knowledgeable guides and chaperones are explorers and hikers ready to share fascinating insights with the young adventurers.

Safety First

Your child’s safety is our top priority. We adhere to the highest safety standards, onboard experienced staff and a paramedic, and carefully plan our itineraries.

Eco-Conscious Travel

Our adventures focus on sustainability and respect for the environment to teach kids the importance of preserving our planet because we believe in responsible tourism.